VFM Self-Assessment Workshops 2016

Workshops in London and Manchester to explore VFM and support delivery on VFM self-assessment.vfm_self_assessment

Dates:  Wednesday 4 May (Manchester) 2016
(Weds 27 April London NOW FULLY BOOKED)

The Value for Money (VFM) of housing associations is in the spotlight. The government is not convinced that the sector provides VFM and the HCA has made it clear that demonstrating VFM is now more important than ever, not simply to add value, but to mitigate the considerable challenges faced by the sector. Smaller or community-based associations also have to overcome the presumption that they are somehow less efficient.

The VFM self-assessment is the principle means by which any housing association demonstrates its VFM. Read by both government, special advisers and the HCA to make judgements about the sector and individual associations, the VFM self-assessment is something you need to get right.


To provide delegates with the tools and information to produce a robust VFM self-assessment:

  • clarity on the regulatory requirement in light of lessons from three years of self-assessment
  • understand how a changed political environment might influence the content and tone of the VFM self-assessment
  • where might VFM be going?
  • step through the process incorporating an Acuity template and data
  • challenge personal thinking through debate
  • opportunity to network with people in a similar position


This is an informal half-day workshop with lunch. Registration and refreshments at 9:30 am for a 10 am start. Lunch at 1 pm.

Steve Smedley created our original VFM self-assessment template for smaller housing providers and has been running VFM workshops and projects with SPBM members since 2013. He has also written a number of publications for HouseMark, NHF and CIH on this subject over the past 10 years

Who should attend

Those responsible for completing the VFM self-assessment, especially those who have not done it before, want to improve it or need a refresher.

Feedback from previous VFM workshops

  • Delegates gave an overall rating of more than 4.5 out of 5 for these workshops.
  • On average they gave a rating of 4.5 out of 5 for both the content and delivery of the workshops.


  • SPBM members £125 plus VAT (early bird purchase before 1 April)
  • SPBM members £135 plus VAT (after 1 April)
  • Non-members £175 plus VAT
  • additional places £15 discount
Click here to book
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