Spring 2022 webinars: essential business intelligence

Exclusively for members, we’re delighted to announce our series of free webinars for spring 2022.

Acuity webinars provide you with the insight and knowledge you need to take control of a fast-changing and increasingly complex operating environment. Drawing on White Paper themes and other topical issues, our programme is as follows:

Managing risk: what good looks like

Samantha McGrady, Director, DTP 

10:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday 26 April 2022 

 Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen a bewildering array of risks conspire to compromise business plan ambitions, threaten viability and undermine reputations. Unsurprisingly, the regulator has been banging a drum for the highest standards of risk management for some time. So, what does good look like in 2022? Sam brings us up to speed with the latest good practice as well as how risk maps are changing.

Book your place with Sam here

 Policy update

John Bryant, Policy Leader, NHF 

10:30 – 11:30 am, Thursday 28 April 2022 

 Levelling-up; building quality, health & safety; decarbonisation; development of consumer regulation, sector reputation, etc. There’s a lot going on. John provides a round-up of where we are and where we may be going, including where he thinks the sector should position itself with the government.

Book your place with John here

Consumer standards: what does good assurance look like?

Bill Gill, Director, BG Audit & Consultancy Limited

10:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday 3 May 2022 

To help you prepare for active consumer regulation, this session focuses on what good assurance might look like. Why? Because the new approach to regulation will build on current co-regulation which places your assurance arrangements front and centre – if you get an IDA, the first question will be, ‘show us how you ensure you’re complying with the standards?’ And if you don’t get an IDA, you’re expected to have a robust approach to assurance anyway! Failure to do so amounts to poor governance. Assurance specialist Bill shows us the ropes.

Book your place with Bill here

Doing a better job: professionalising social housing  

James Prestwich, Director of Policy & External Affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing 

10:30 – 11:30 am, Thursday 5 May 2022  

The Social Housing White Paper exposed fault lines in the sector’s narrative of being caring and responsive. In parts of the sector, it identified organisational indifference and attitudes that might promote rather than reduce the stigmatisation of social housing. The professionalisation of housing management aims to ensure the highest standards of service delivery whilst restoring the credibility and reputation of the sector. James will provide an update and set out how we can ensure staff are on message and equipped to deliver on our shared social mission.

Book your place with James here

 ESG measurement

John Wickenden, Research Manager, HouseMark

10:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday 10 May 2022 

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is taking off in the sector thanks to the voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS). It aims to address the sector’s longstanding problem of evidencing its positive contribution to people, place and planet in a consistent and credible manner. John will bring us up to speed on the SRS, what it measures and HouseMark’s analysis of the results of the early adopters.

Book your place with John here

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