SPBM smaller housing associations conference

Once again the Acuity SPBM conference for 2018 will explore the horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

The programme

All the sessions will seek to make sense of the operating environment and its implications from a smaller housing association perspective:

  • the latest on housing policy from the NHF and regulatory developments from the Regulator of Social Housing
  • an exploration of the future of social housing and tenant participation post-Grenfell by CIH and TAROE (Tenants and Residents of England)
  • Breakout sessions will be repeated so you have more choice over the content:
    • Getting it right: lessons in good (and bad) governance from the downgrades
    • Developing a bespoke, costed IT Strategy to meet your needs and resources
    • New supply: overcoming the obstacles
    • Telling a better story: communicating the value of smaller housing associations

Click here to download the full programme >>

There will be ample opportunity to network with colleagues over lunch and at the break.

In the interests of open exchange and transparency, the event will operate in accordance with the Chatham House rule.


Claire Warren, CEO, Pickering and Ferens Homes


Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

    • John Bryant, NHF
    • Rob Dryburgh, Regulator of Social Housing
    • Melanie Rees, CIH
    • Darren Hartley, TAROE
    • Alun Hughes, Wirral Methodist HA
    • Anne McLoughlin, Innisfree
    • Colin Sales, 3C Consultants
    • Peter Moore, Cornwall Rural Housing Association
    • Martin Collett, English Rural Housing Association
    • Clare Norton, g320 & Peter Bedford Housing Association
    • Sam McGrady, DTP
    • Angela Gascoigne, SHAL Housing
    • Andrew Hillier, Hillier Consulting

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £195 plus VAT
  • Non-members £225 plus VAT
  • Additional places from the same organisation £25 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 16:00, Thursday 19 April

Venue: Westminster University, Marylebone Hall (Baker Street), London NW1 5LS

Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

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