New VFM Standard: demystifying requirements & implications – Workshops 2018

The regulator’s new approach to VFM is operative now!:

  • a new standard, accompanied by a comprehensive Code of Practice (COP)
  • VFM performance will be measured against your own strategic VFM targets and a set of regulatory metrics reported in the accounts instead of the self-assessment

The revised approach to reporting aims to make boards more accountable for VFM by requiring them to set and then achieve their targets.

There’s not much time before final accounts are signed off – associations need to quickly understand how they may comply with the new requirements.


To provide delegates with the tools and information to understand and comply with the new requirements. Coverage:

  • clarity on expectations and consideration of the implications
  • how the regulatory, Scorecard and Acuity SPBM metrics fit together
  • reporting regulatory metrics and strategic targets in the accounts: what might it look like?
  • where might VFM be going?
  • challenge personal thinking through debate
  • opportunity to network with peers


This is an informal half-day workshop with lunch. Registration and refreshments at 9:30 am for a 10 am start. Networking lunch at 12:30 pm.

Steve Smedley has specialised in VFM since the noughties and has been running VFM workshops and projects with SPBM members since 2013. He has also written a number of publications for HouseMark, NHF, CIH and CHC on this subject over the past 12 years and has a close working relationship with the regulator.

Who should attend

Those responsible for reporting VFM in the accounts, regulatory compliance, appraising the board and ensuring VFM is embedded in the business.

Feedback from previous VFM workshops

  • Delegates gave an overall rating of more than 4.5 out of 5 for these workshops.
  • On average they gave a rating of 4.5 out of 5 for both the content and delivery of the workshops.


  • SPBM members £135 plus VAT (early bird)
  • SPBM members £145 plus VAT
  • Non-members £185 plus VAT
  • additional places £15 discount

Dates & venues

23 May 2018: 9:30 – 12:30, University of London, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU

4 June 2018: 9:30 – 12:30, Adullam Homes, 34 Dudley Street, West Bromwich, B70 9LS

8 June 2018: 9:30 – 12:30, People First Housing, 1 City Road, City Road East, Manchester, M15 4PN

Click here to book >> 

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