Acuity Benchmarking Conference – Wednesday 19 April 2023

The Acuity Benchmarking conference will explore the horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

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The programme

All the sessions will seek to make sense of the operating environment and its implications from a smaller housing association perspective:

  • Chair: Martin Collett, CEO, English Rural HA
  •  Plenaries:
    • Policy and operating environment update – James Prestwich, Director of Policy and External Affairs, CIH
    • Regulatory update – Will Perry, Director of Strategy, Regulator for Social Housing
    • Ombudsman update – Bill Gill, Director, BG Audit and Consultancy Limited
  • Breakout sessions:
    • TSM Satisfaction surveys: ensuring a compliant approach for smaller associations – Denise Raine, Director, Acuity
    • Reputation: changing the narrative and is there a special role for smaller associations? – Jo Allen, Head of Member Relations and Lead for Smaller Housing Associations, NHF
    • Cost of living crisis for tenants & staff: what can smaller associations do? – Nick Chambers, CEO, Lace Housing
    • Strategic asset management: from stock condition survey to a balanced strategy to credible costs in the business plan– – Rachel Pinchin, Deputy CEO, Elim Housing and Steve Warran, CEO, White Horse Housing
  • Lunch and refreshments are provided

Click here for the programme >>

There will be ample opportunity to network with colleagues at registration, over lunch and at the break.

In the interests of open exchange and transparency, the event will operate in accordance with the Chatham House rule.

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive officers.


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • Acuity members £260 plus VAT
  • Non-members £295 plus VAT
  • Additional places from the same organisation £30 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 15:45, Wednesday 19 April 2023

Venue: National Council For Voluntary Organisations, 8 All Saints St, London N1 9RL (Kings Cross)

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