Meeting the challenge: a conference for smaller housing associations, Weds 13 April 2016

Click to download the full programmeThe operating environment is changing beyond all recognition, representing the greatest challenge many will face in their entire careers. This event will explore the new horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

The programme

All the sessions aim to cut through seemingly bewildering changes so that you understand where you stand, how fellow smaller associations are responding and what you need to do:

  • the latest on housing policy from the NHF and regulation from HCA
  • interactive sessions that explore how smaller housing associations are:
    • reflecting the changes in revised business strategies, with a panel of CEOs and strategy, governance and finance specialist DTP
    • using different collaborative models to meet their objectives
  • the latest on welfare reform and what you need to do from CIH

Click here to download the full programme >>

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  • John Bryant, Policy Lead, NHF
  • David Taylor-Smith, Assistant Director of Regulatory Operations, HCA
  • Sam McGrady, Director, DTP
  • Mandy Elliot, CE, Crosby HA and Chair of NHF National Smaller HAs Group
  • John Delahunty, CE, Innisfree HA
  • Graeme Foster, CE, Alpha Homes
  • John Ghader, CE, Pierhead Housing
  • Sue Philpott, Managing Director, Co-op Homes
  • Mike Wilkins, CE, Ducane HA
  • Sam Lister, Welfare Reform Lead, CIH

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £155 plus VAT (early bird purchase before 11 March)
  • SPBM members £170 plus VAT (after 11 March)
  • Non-members £210 plus VAT (or £195 early bird before 11 March)
  • Additional places £25 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 16:00, Wednesday 13 April

Venue: Judges Court, Browns, Covent Garden, London (Leicester Square tube)

Click here to download the full programme >>

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