Tenant Inspection and Mystery Shopping

We are involved in a number of mystery shopping programmes in both the housing and health sectors.

Mystery shoppers are paid to use services specifically for audit or evaluation purposes without disclosing their identity as evaluators.

They have proved to be effective in different environments, providing detailed, constructive feedback on elements of service provision.

Click here for out top tips on running a mystery shopping programme.

Who Benefits?

“Our mystery shopper programme played a vital role in informing our award-winning service re-design and helped ensure its success. Mystery shopper feedback helped to keep us on track during the planning process and to remember the importance of placing service user experience at the heart of everything we were trying to achieve. We have also used mystery shoppers to evaluate the impact of these changes and make further improvements. It’s hard to imagine we would be where we are without them.”
Service manager, Integrated Sexual Health Service

“I found my experience as a mystery shopper very educational and positive, as it gave me as a young person the rare opportunity to have a say or opinion as to the improvement to a service commonly used by myself and peers. I was able to communicate and outline areas in a service were the standards had dropped or what I found worked in that type of environment, i.e. the space, furniture, layout, availability or access to information or medical care. It also encourages responsibility in young people as it did myself and helps you to have a better understanding of the options the health service provides, in which you can share and pass on information to promote health awareness among young and old people.”
Young female service user