Specialist Research Services

Full Service List:

[expand title=”Quantitative research techniques” tag=”h3″]

  • Postal surveys
  • CATI Telephone surveys
  • CAPI Face to Face interviews
  • Online surveys and Research via mobile phones In-Depth Interviewing
  • Focus Groups and Mystery shopping


[expand title=”Questionnaire design & survey support” tag=”h3″]

Advice and support on sample design, questionnaire design and survey methods to help you get maximum value from your ownsurveys and consultations.


[expand title=”Data processing” tag=”h3″]

We can capture the data from any source (for example, questionnaires) either electronically or manually. With in-built verification and quality checks you can be assured of a quality process.


[expand title=”Statistical Analysis” tag=”h3″]

Our data analysts work on national data sets and have worked as advisors for the HCA and CLG. All outputs are tailored to meet each projects requirements and include basic analysis techniques such as data tables, cross tabulations, correlations through to more advanced analysis for customer segmentation and to identify key drivers such as cluster analysis, regression, CHAID and spatial analysis (GIS).


[expand title=”Question Time events” tag=”h3″]

Topical and housing related Q&A sessions where stakeholders put questions directly to senior staff and board members.


[expand title=”Customer insight segmentation” tag=”h3″]

We can segment your customers into groups, using tenant resource scoring and service profiling to identify your customer service needs.


[expand title=”GIS Mapping” tag=”h3″]

Spatial analysis of results to gain greater insight into your customers.


[expand title=”Benchmarking” tag=”h3″]

Full benchmarking service using historic standard tenant satisfaction data (STATUS), our clients and HouseMark’s STAR results.


[expand title=”Online data access & analysis” tag=”h3″]

Our online data analysis tool presents key results in a dashboard and allows clients to interrogate their own survey data, using cross tabs, frequencies and means. It is extremely simple to use, with cross tabs being produced literally at the push of a button to produce tables and charts which can then be exported.


[expand title=”Targeting difficult to reach groups” tag=”h3″]

One size doesn’t fit all, not everyone wants to fill in a survey or attend a focus group. Effectively engaging with marginalised and minority groups of customers such as the vulnerable, old, young and BME communities can take imagination and an awareness of their needs and aspirations. Our team have extensive experience of tailoring consultation approaches to meet the needs of hard to reach groups. We enjoy a challenge and can help you to tempt underrepresented groups into getting involved.


[expand title=”Training” tag=”h3″]

Empowering your staff to carry out robust surveys and analysis and make effective use of findings.


[expand title=”Customer documentation design and writing service” tag=”h3″]

Clear, concise and user-friendly resident information, policy documents, briefings and staff guidance developed in conjunction with the end users.


[expand title=”Presenting and reporting” tag=”h3″]

Our written reports are of very high quality, we work closely with our clients to develop user-friendly information and reports tailored to meet the needs of different audiences such asstaff, scrutiny panes, board and residents. In addition we have vast experience of providing professional presentations of findings to senior staff, tenants and governing bodies.
