Inhouse Surveys

In today’s world, perhaps more than ever our clients are asking “Can we carry out the work in-house?” Yes you can go it alone! However before you embark on the adventure you might want to consider tapping into our specially designed services for in-house clients.


We have extensive experience of tailoring our services to assist organisations who wish to carry out some or all of the survey in-house. Our menu approach means you can pick and mix the services you need to give you confidence and experience necessary for a successful programme.

Survey design

We offer a half-day consultation to help you plan your survey. This includes designing or reviewing your sampling, questionnaire design and chosen survey methodology. In addition we will provide advice on appropriate data entry and analysis tools. This can include identifying the most effective use of resources, both internal and external, in delivering the programme.

Project support

We won’t leave you high and dry. Throughout the project you will have access to our staff who are on hand to provide advice and solutions to any issues which may arise during the survey.

Market research services

Also on offer are our full market research services, so if you can’t work out how to enter the data or just want the questionnaire designing to desk-top-publishing standards we can give you a cost effective quote for single elements of the process.

Data analysis and report writing

Many of our clients often under estimate how long it can take for this part of the process, which is undoubtedly one of the most important elements if you are going to turn data into useable information. Also, don’t forget our staff can interpret the results more comprehensively as they work on national data sets and multiple surveys each month!

Interactive workshops

We offer to facilitate interactive workshops with key stakeholders to look in depth at the survey results and identify key issues and actions for improvement. In our experience, this workshop has the effect of involving staff in particular in taking ownership of the survey results and in understanding the impact on service delivery. We are also happy to provide this service for clients who have carried out their own survey or who have used another market research company.


One of the key aims of our service is to pass on good practice and providing support, advice and training (as appropriate) on all aspects of the programme, including sample design, questionnaires, IT issues, data protection protocols and making effective use of results.

Independent authentication

Our most popular service which we carry out for landlords who wish to survey in-house is to authenticate the results. Our data analysis carry out rigorous checks on the sampling, response, weighting, data cleaning and analysis to ensure the surveys integrity and sampling errors which then allow you to promote the survey as externally validated by the National Housing Federation’s Feedback Service with a logo accreditation.

An example package

Half a day survey design, telephone support throughout the project and independent authentication of the data – all for under £1,000.