Customer Profiling

The Acuity team also offer a customer profiling and insight service – collecting, analysing and grouping information about your customers (current and future) to provide a detailed picture of their characteristics including demographics, needs, attitudes, lifestyles and aspirations and using this information to inform, change and refine the services you offer.

Make the most of your resident data

Your tenant database is a valuable asset. Good quality information will enhance your understanding of residents and can increase satisfaction by enabling you to provide services tailored to their needs. Acuity can quickly and effectively enhance your resident profile data using our data capture service. We offer a swift turnaround and costs are charged per updated record so you only pay for those profiles that are updated.

Our approach

  • Trained telephone interviewers call residents to collect essential diversity, background and communication information. We offer postal collection where combining both methods is likely to yield the best results.
  • Missing and changed telephone numbers and postcodes can be located and corrected.
  • Other useful data such as email addresses, opinions and preferences can be collected at the same time. Suspected unauthorised occupation can be reported back to the landlord for further investigation.
  • At project completion you receive a data file in the format required for uploading onto your system. We will also provide you with a plan to ensure your data is kept refreshed and accurate.
  • Analysis of your upgraded customer data will give you valuable insight into the nature and needs of your customers.

Our team also offer a customer profiling and insight service – collecting, analysing and grouping information about your customers (current and future) to provide a detailed picture of their characteristics including demographics, needs, attitudes, lifestyles and aspirations and using this information to inform, change and refine the services you offer.

Customer engagement

Once your customer profiles are upgraded you will be better placed to communicate with specific client groups. To ensure that you are using the most effective communication methods our engagement service offers a flexible and cost effective service which can assist in the development of a coordinated, output focused, approach. With an understanding of the current regulatory requirements and guidance from CLG, HCA, NHF and CIH we know exactly what is expected of you in terms of resident engagement. We can help you develop a resident involvement model that:

  • is integral to your service improvement work, providing essential tenant consultation, feedback and reality checks
  • enables you to develop services at a organisational and local level that match what tenants want
  • is coordinated centrally in terms of design, timing and outputs
  • ensures you are accountable and open to tenant scrutiny
  • provides staff, tenants and stakeholders with the performance and opinion data they need to set targets and monitor services
  • is designed to meet the engagement needs and preferences of your main tenant groups but also encourages hard to reach groups to get involved
    yields demonstrable outputs that always translate into plans and action

A three stage process

STAGE 1: Evaluation and blue print

Our consultants carry out a thorough evaluation your existing approach with reference to your priorities, those of your tenants and the regulatory framework. The assessment stage will identify weak areas and look to build on your strengths. We will hold meetings with staff and residents as well as reviewing key documents in order to produce a draft structure and a set of prioritised recommendations including quick wins.

STAGE 2: Framework and resource pack

We offer a package of staff guidance and development support to build the coordinated customer engagement framework. A single programme of resident involvement is a key element of the resource pack we provide to deliver your framework. In addition to the guidance, consistent templates for questionnaires, surveys are provided. We will also seek to transfer skills and knowledge to your staff and tenants via training and familiarisation.

STAGE 3 : Menu of market research services and ongoing support

The full range of Acuity market research services is available to support your coordinated framework. We can also help you measure the impact of the changes you have implemented.

Insight and Improvement

Acuity can also provide insightful analysis of your upgraded profile data to help you find out more about your residents, their needs and behaviours. Using your data we can segment residents into meaningful groups to help you shape local services and direct resources where they are needed most.