Continuous Tracker Surveys

Keeping your finger on the pulse

We offer cost-effective and highly focused ongoing phone or postal surveys designed to track resident and stakeholder satisfaction levels with key services.

Independent and robust

Our surveys have the big advantage of being independent so that residents, staff and contractors can have total confidence in the findings. Tailored to fit your requirements, surveys can be one-off, monthly, quarterly, or on a frequency specified by you. Surveys are carried out by our Market Research Society trained interviewers using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) systems which allow responses to be quickly and accurately collected.

Timely and focussed

Tracker survey findings provide up-to-date customer feedback that can be used to monitor service improvement initiatives, influence staff and contractor bonuses or just add an all important resident perspective to your performance information framework. Your survey can be developed to focus on specific services such as complaints or anti social behaviour. In addition, the survey can be linked to data from your customer relationship module enabling you to accurately assess the quality of customer care across different locations and client groups.


You receive bespoke graphical reports incorporating your key targets and comparables delivered promptly after each wave of the survey. We also provide periodic reports for distribution to residents and boar members. Careful selection of survey questions and robust analysis techniques ensure the outputs can be benchmarked with other landlords and compared with STAR or other available performance data.

We recommend that tracker surveys are supported by:

  • Periodic resident focus groups and scrutiny panesl to unpick the findings
    Interactive action planning sessions with staff and residents