Breaking the bad news

We recently had the rather dubious pleasure of breaking the news to a group of residents that their landlord had put a serious question mark over the future of their sheltered housing scheme. The meeting ended with residents visibly shocked and one or two in tears. Involvement of local councillors, interest from the local press …..Read the full article »

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Award winning leadership and management development

We are pleased to report that the University of Westminster’s Corporate Services Management Programme has received its second award. It is runner-up in the Talent Retention category of the Chartered Management Institute’s prestigious national management and leadership awards. Last year the programme won the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education’s Staff Development Impact award. We have …..Read the full article »

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Brother Where Art Thou?

A recent discussion about the TSA’s annual reporting requirements reminded us of an account of working in the War Office during the 1950s. Beautifully prepared records of resources held and consumed would arrive from all over the globe. Not without a little ceremony each unread document would be carefully placed in the steel cabinet. When …..Read the full article »

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Salary Comparison 2010

We have recently revamped our web-based salaries comparison service, which provides smaller associations with meaningful comparisons between the salaries and other rewards they offer their staff and those offered by similar organisations facing similar challenges. In developing the service we realised that, for smaller organisations, job title alone is not necessarily a good indication of …..Read the full article »

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Reliably unreliable — what do surveys tell us?

With an expectation that the TSA will shake-up the way resident satisfaction data is collected we have been closely following recent thinking and debate on what changes should be made. Have we been impressed? Well, not really. While there must now be doubt that resident satisfaction is high on its priority list given the bigger issues …..Read the full article »

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Smaller Providers Go Big on Performance

Smaller housing providers now have the opportunity to be part of what is fast becoming a national performance benchmarking network for smaller housing providers. Things have really moved on since our last newsletter (November 2009) in which we reported on our work with two benchmarking groups for smaller housing associations. More than 30 other organisations …..Read the full article »

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Satisfaction – Where’s the Action?

In an ideal world, organisations would approach customer satisfaction measurement by establishing what is important to their customers before they decide what they are going to ask. They would use surveys to identify what is driving satisfaction, what satisfaction means to different groups of customers and what they can and cannot do to influence satisfaction …..Read the full article »

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Benchmarking for smaller housing associations – PI Harmonisation

Benchmarking and peer review is a key part of the Tenant Services Authority’s model of co-regulation and that makes it a good time for all of those involved in performance comparisons to be reviewing their performance indicators. We have initiated a project with our benchmarking groups and other small associations to agree a core set …..Read the full article »

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Residents’ Conferences – Purposeful Fun

A residents’ conference can be a great way to engage with your residents in interesting and innovative ways, helping put faces to names and improve communications. We think conferences can also provide an excellent opportunity for residents to express their views on services and their relationship with their landlord. If they are well designed they …..Read the full article »

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Mystery Shopping – Tower Hamlets PCT

Mystery shopping is increasingly used by housing associations, local authorities, and other non-profit organisations to provide feedback on customer services. As well as being a cost-effective way of gaining insight into staff and organisational performance, it can also be a meaningful and valuable way to get service users involved. We have been supporting Tower Hamlets …..Read the full article »

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