Maintenance costs

Benchmarking the cost of repairs and maintance

These Performance Indicators are designed to capture the total spend by the landlord and show how it breaks down into categories. We are aware that different organisations will capture and record information in different ways, but the following should enable us to compare in a useful way. Performance indicator Description Repairs spending as percentage of …..Read the full article »

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Benchmarking calendar 2014 - 2015

SPBM Benchmarking 2014 – 2015 Calendar

Please note the following dates: Q1 (April – June 2014 data)  Period end 30 June Data entry deadline Friday 15 August 2014 Q2 (April – September 2014 data)  Period end 30 September Data entry deadline Friday 14 November 2014 Q3 (April – December 2014 data)  Period end 31 December Data entry deadline Friday 13 February …..Read the full article »

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Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation uses data from satisfaction surveys and elsewhere to drive service improvement and increase satisfaction. It works  by  segmenting your resident population into relatively homogeneous groups that can be measured, analysed, and targeted. It is a simple idea, backed up by rather less-simple statistical analysis, which can be highly effective. It begins with a consideration …..Read the full article »

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Why conduct satisfaction research?

Engagement with customers is an integral part of business. It gives your residents an opportunity to shape service delivery. Understanding the needs of tenants will help you deliver the right services. Delivering and demonstrating value for money is key and will become even more important in the future. There is more to this than just …..Read the full article »

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Board members needed

We are working with CHISEL – a tenant / Board led smaller housing provider in SE London, Brighton and Colchester. CHISEL is looking to recruit new Board members. You will need to be able to commit to six evening meetings and two planning days each year at or near their offices in SE4 and have experience in:  …..Read the full article »

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NHF Smaller Associations National Group Survey – Summary of findings

Here is a summary of the findings from the survey we ran in November for the NHF smaller associations national group. To download a copy of the full report please click here. General 91 organisations contributed Very fragmented approach to influencing NHF and therefore potential to be more co-ordinated Majority support for areas of focus identified …..Read the full article »

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SPBM Annual Report 2013

Annual report for smaller housing providers 2013

We launched our third annual report for smaller housing providers at the NHF Conference & Exhibition for Smaller HAs on 6 November. Published jointly with HouseMark, the report provides evidence that smaller housing providers continue to match and better their larger counterparts in many areas of performance. In his preface, David Orr praises smaller providers’ …..Read the full article »

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Presentation & Time Management Skills – Introducing Steve Creffield

We are delighted to welcome Steve Creffield to our learning and development team and as facilitator of our ‘Presentation skills‘ and ‘Time management‘ workshops. Steve is a leading professional  in the field of empowerment and team development. His work has taken him to over 14 countries to work with agencies such as The United Nations, World …..Read the full article »

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SPBM benchmarking calendar 2013-2014

SPBM Benchmarking 2013 – 2014 Calendar

Please note the following dates: Q1 (April – June 2013 data)  Period end 30 June Data entry deadline Friday 9 August 2013 Q2 (April – September 2013 data)  Period end 30 September Data entry deadline Friday 8 November 2013 Q3 (April – December 2013 data)  Period end 31 December Data entry deadline Friday 14 February …..Read the full article »

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SPBM cost benchmarking exercises 2013

This year we are running the following comparison exercises for SPBM benchmarking members. Please see below for details and contact Acuity if you would like to participate in any of these. Staff Numbers We have had various discussions in and outside of benchmarking club meetings about how to compare staffing levels and we have agreed …..Read the full article »

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