Making Sense of a challenging environment – Presentations

Please click the links below for the presentations for the ‘Making sense of a challenging environment’ conference on Thursday 25 April should you wish to refer to them on the day:

Althea Houghton – Update from the Regulator for Social Housing

Andy Roskell  – Risk, stress testing, resilience

Anne Taylor – Implementing a values culture

David Chaffey – Diversity & Growth at BHT

Denise Raine – Making satisfaction fit for the future

Gavin Smart (CIH) – Policy Update

Nick Chambers – Diversity & growth at LACE

Oke Eleazu – building an organisation your customers will love

We would very much like to hear any comments/feedback – please use the form below to let us know how you thought the event went.

Feedback - SPBM Conference 2019

  • Overall Rating

  • The programme

  • Please rate how useful you found each of the conference sessions from 5 very useful to 1 not very useful
    Policy Update - Gavin Smart, Deputy Chief Executive, CIH
    Social housing regulation: where are we going and what’s wanted? Althea Houghton, Head of Small Providers, Regulator for Social Housing
    Building an organisation your customers will love - Oke Eleazu,
    Risk, stress testing, resilience – the role of the board, Andy Roskell, DTP
    Making satisfaction fit for the future, Denise Raine, Acuity
    Implementing a values-driven culture, Anne Taylor, Thorngate Living
    Diversity and Growth, David Chaffey BHT & Nick Chambers LACE
  • Venue and administration

  • Value For Money

  • Recommendation

  • Next year?