ABC – Absolute beginners computing

Aimed at beginners or complete computer novices, who wish to begin learning or require a taster into the world of computing. This 14 / 15 hour course runs over a number of sessions (5 x 3 hours or 7 x 2 hours).

Aims and objectives

To gain knowledge and basic computer skills in a fun first time introduction that can lead to further development and training. By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Turn the computer on and off safely
  • Access a computer programme
  • Use the mouse confidently
  • Understand and use the basic keyboard
  • Understand the basis operations of the computer and how it works
  • Use a memory stick
  • Print and save work
  • Edit  /produce basic documents in Word /Excel  /PowerPoint
  • Use the Internet with confidence

Who should attend?

Beginners or complete computer novices. For people who have had no or very little contact with computing of any sort but are interested in learning the basics.

Further learning

We also offer introductory and intermediate courses on Microsoft® Excel and PowerPoint to develop skills in managing spreadsheets, lists, sorting, charting and presentations.