Team development away-day

Workshop summary

This workshop provides teams with the opportunity to work together in a facilitated and relaxed space away from their work place, in which they can explore team dynamics and identify ways of improving how they work together. It is based on the principle that people and their organisations change in the direction they inquire (i.e. If you inquire into problems you will keep finding problems. If you attempt to appreciate the good, you will discover more and more that is good). It is recommended that time is allowed for individual reflection, group activity and informal dialogue among team members immediately after the facilitated session.


By the end of the programme each participant will have:

  • Developed their understanding of each other and reflected on how they work together as a team
  • Developed their abilities to build rapport and trust with their colleagues and others they work with
  • Developed their listening skills and questioning skills, and their abilities to analyse, reflect and act on real problems in collaboration with others
  • Identified some specific individual and group actions that they will implement on their return to the workplace.