Holding Effective Meetings

Meetings that work

This one-day workshop will equip those involved in organising, chairing and participating in meetings with the knowledge and skills to ensure that meetings are lively, productive and well-managed.

Aims & objectives

By the end of the workshop participants will have gained an understanding of:

  • The need for and purpose of meetings
  • The role of the Chair
  • Preparation for meeting – agenda, timing, venue, administration
  • Presenting information
  • Chairing skills – structuring and managing discussion, timekeeping, encouraging participation, dealing with conflict, making decisions, agreeing actions
  • How to make meetings work for everyone

Who should attend / participant numbers

Anyone responsible for arranging, attending and / or chairing meetings of all types –including in-house team meetings, open tenant meetings and Board meetings (Maximum 15 participants).

Dates / locations

25 September (London)



Further information / bookings

Contact us on 01273 311677 or acuity@arap.co.uk. Click here to book onto this workshop.