Survey Methods

Getting what you want from a survey

This one-day workshop facilitated by Acuity Director Denise Raine will enable participants to identify and understand how to managing and set up customer / resident survey, select the most suitable survey methods and optimise fieldwork processes.

Aims & objectives

By the end of the workshop programme participants will have gained an understanding of:

  • The need for housing research and what constitutes good research
  • Postal surveys
  • Telephone surveys
  • Text surveys
  • Face to face interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Mixed method surveys
  • Other methods including mystery shopping
  • Survey bias
  • Survey methods selection
  • Different types of software available to facilitate the survey process
  • Data input, cleaning and validation
  • Data protection, anonymity and confidentiality
  • Planning the fieldwork timetable
  • Customer recovery

Who should attend / participant numbers

Anyone who wants to develop their ability to design, commission, manage and deliver housing research projects (maximum of 18 participants).

Dates / locations

12 February 2015 in London


£175 (includes comprehensive and informative materials)

Further information / bookings

Contact us on 01273 311677  or Click here to book onto this workshop.

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