Survey Analysis & Reporting

The basics and the more advanced

This two-day computer-based (Excel) workshop programme facilitated by Acuity Director Denise Raine takes participants from the basic techniques through to more advanced statistical techniques for exploring and making use of survey data.

Day 1:

  • Data input, cleaning and validation
  • Survey reliability
  • Checking representativeness and weighting the results
  • Using Excel, SPSS and other software
  • Pivot tables, VLOOKUP and other useful functions
  • Charting
  • Correlations
  • Reporting the results

Day 2: 

  • Refresher from Day 1
  • Factor analysis
  • Regression
  • Customer segmentation
  • Customer recovery – report, review, good practice
  • Benchmarking
  • Reporting the results
  • Want to learn more? Where to go next?

Who should attend / participant numbers

Anyone who wants to further develop their ability to work with and make use of survey data (maximum of 8 participants).

Dates / locations



£175 per workshop (includes comprehensive and informative materials)

£300 if both workshops booked together

Further information / bookings

Contact us on 01273 311677  or Click here to book onto this workshop.

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