Housing Research Skills

Current provision

We currently offer skills-based training in three areas of housing research:

  1. Survey Design – a practical understanding of survey design that they can apply to housing research projects at their workplace
  2. Survey Methods – to identify and understand how to managing and set up customer / resident survey, select the most suitable survey methods and optimise fieldwork processes.
  3. Survey Analysis & Reporting – takes participants from the basic techniques through to more advanced statistical techniques for exploring and making use of survey data

In the pipeline

We are currently developing three further housing research workshops:

  1. Designing and implementing a coordinated strategy for research across your organisation (includes transactional and one-off surveys, and measuring customer satisfaction versus customer experience)
  2. Small landlords – All you need to know to carry out your own survey (in-house or externally)
  3. How to tender your customer / resident surveys

For further information on any of our Housing Research Skills workshops and programmes contact us on 01273 311677 or acuity@arap.co.uk