Our Approach to L&D

Our approach to learning and development…

Needs: We will only propose or agree to a particular L&D approach / method where a need has been identified. We will talk to you about needs in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, and individual and organisational benefits. If you want us to help identify and analyse needs we are happy to do so.

Design: Our training and other L&D methods are always designed around an agreed set of learning outcomes and by reference to any specific standards that need to be achieved. Our design is built around a cyclical model of doing, reviewing, concluding and planning for doing again. We recognise that people have different learning preferences.

Preparation: We like to know as much as possible in advance about the people we will be working with and the environment that we will be working in. Our people will always be well prepared and we will always advise participants what (if anything) they need to do in advance? Our people also assume that they will need to deal with the unforeseen.

Delivery: We will always explain to participants how we are going to work with them and we will work with them in ways that ensure the learning sticks. If necessary, we will change things along the way as we learn more about participants’ needs. Everyone is required to treat each other with respect. No one should suffer embarrassment or be forced to do things against their will.

Evaluation: We will always agree evaluation criteria and methods with you in advance. In doing this, we will seek to assess the quality of the delivery and evaluate the learning that has taken place.