Staff Engagement

Would your organisation benefit from a housing related staff survey?

Our staff engagement survey is based on the understanding that the key to customer satisfaction is how well staff are engaged with the aims and objectives of the organisation and how they are able to contribute to and be part of those aims.

Our staff engagement surveys are structured to reflect the sector in which housing organisations operate.

We focus on two main issues – “engagement” and “well-being” – both of which are concerned with the employee’s ability to be productive at work. Surveys are designed to help the organisation better understand five “engagement” aspects of their employee’s work experience:

  • Work role – exploring the extent to which an individual understands how their role contributes to broader objectives
  • Work environment – the ‘day-to-day’ work experience
  • Reward and incentives – views on pay levels, recognition and appreciation
  • Development and training – opportunities to develop knowledge and skills
  • Operating culture – how things get done, leadership styles and trust.

There are many benefits to having an “engaged” workforce. Initially organisations find that engaged employees stay longer at the organisation, have lower absentee levels, make fewer mistakes and suggest more improvements to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Importantly for housing providers it is also the case that engaged employees get to know their customers better which helps them deliver a better customer experience. As an added bonus engaged employees also increase customer loyalty and say good things about their organisation, enhancing the reputation.

Contact us or call for more information