Challenging the executive: doing our best together

Housing association boards have had much to contend with in recent years. And there’s little sign of things getting quieter for them in the years ahead. A major overhaul of the regulatory system governing housing associations is having a big impact on boards, and in ways which were perhaps not predicted. Get it right and your board really can make a difference – providing independent and objective oversight on your strategy. They can be the critical friend you need when times get tough. Get it wrong and your board can act as drag on performance and effectiveness.


This half-day course provides delegates with an understanding of the board’s role in challenging the executive effectively.

Learning outcomes

The session will focus on:

  • Our values, roles and responsibilities to key stakeholders
  • Expectations between the board and the executive
  • What, when, where, why and how to challenge executive performance

Who should attend

Board members, Chief Executives, Company Secretaries, other senior staff.

Contact us or call for details of when this is next running