event type Archives: benchmarking

SPBM smaller housing associations conference

Once again the Acuity SPBM conference for 2018 will explore the horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

The programme

All the sessions will seek to make sense of the operating environment and its implications from a smaller housing association perspective:

  • the latest on housing policy from the NHF and regulatory developments from the Regulator of Social Housing
  • an exploration of the future of social housing and tenant participation post-Grenfell by CIH and TAROE (Tenants and Residents of England)
  • Breakout sessions will be repeated so you have more choice over the content:
    • Getting it right: lessons in good (and bad) governance from the downgrades
    • Developing a bespoke, costed IT Strategy to meet your needs and resources
    • New supply: overcoming the obstacles
    • Telling a better story: communicating the value of smaller housing associations

Click here to download the full programme >>

There will be ample opportunity to network with colleagues over lunch and at the break.

In the interests of open exchange and transparency, the event will operate in accordance with the Chatham House rule.


Claire Warren, CEO, Pickering and Ferens Homes


Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

    • John Bryant, NHF
    • Rob Dryburgh, Regulator of Social Housing
    • Melanie Rees, CIH
    • Darren Hartley, TAROE
    • Alun Hughes, Wirral Methodist HA
    • Anne McLoughlin, Innisfree
    • Colin Sales, 3C Consultants
    • Peter Moore, Cornwall Rural Housing Association
    • Martin Collett, English Rural Housing Association
    • Clare Norton, g320 & Peter Bedford Housing Association
    • Sam McGrady, DTP
    • Angela Gascoigne, SHAL Housing
    • Andrew Hillier, Hillier Consulting

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £195 plus VAT
  • Non-members £225 plus VAT
  • Additional places from the same organisation £25 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 16:00, Thursday 19 April

Venue: Westminster University, Marylebone Hall (Baker Street), London NW1 5LS

Click here to download the presentations from all the plenary and breakout sessions >>

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NHF Smaller Housing Associations Conference 2017

The SPBM Annual Report for smaller housing associations will be published on our website and available in hard copy at the Smaller Housing Associations’ Conference and Exhibition 2017 in London on 2 November. We’ll be there too (Stand 9).

This year’s report has plenty of good news for smaller associations, including

  • Smaller associations costs and performance compare favorably with the rest of the sector
  • What we have learnt from the Sector Scorecard pilot
  • The latest on salaries, terms & conditions
  • Insights and good practice from leaders of smaller associations
  • Smaller associations contribution to supply
  • Going digital – how realistic is this for smaller associations?
  • Are smaller organisations better at listening to residents?

Please contact us if you would like us to send you a copy of the report when it is published.


Contact us NHF event details
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SPBM smaller housing associations conference, Weds 26 April 2017

SPBM smaller housing associations conferenceJust when you thought things couldn’t get any more bewildering along comes Brexit, Trump and the departure of the architects of recent housing policy. The Acuity SPBM conference for 2017 will explore the new horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

The programme

All the sessions will seek to make sense of the operating environment and its implications from a smaller housing association perspective:

  • the latest on housing policy from the NHF and regulation from HCA
  • interactive sessions that explore how smaller housing associations are reflecting the changes in revised business strategies, with a panel of CEOs and strategy, governance and finance specialist DTP
  • Breakout sessions exploring:
    • the implications of deregulation for board members, risk management and assurance
    • cracking digital service provision
  • the latest on how smaller housing association can contribute to supply

There will be ample opportunity to network with colleagues.

In the interests of open exchange and transparency, the event will operate in accordance with the Chatham House rule.

Acuity Click here to download the programme event booklet

Click here to buy tickets >>

Speakers (invited)

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £170 plus VAT
  • Non-members £210 plus VAT
  • Additional places £25 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 16:00, Wednesday 26 April

Venue: Judges Court, Browns, Covent Garden, London (Leicester Square tube)

Click here to buy tickets >>

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CORE Training – Managing CORE online

MHCLG logo

This is a computer based practical workshop for staff who would like an update on the role of the CORE Co-ordinator and using the online reporting tools.

The Managing CORE workshop will cover:

  • The role and responsibilities of a CORE Co-ordinator
  • User management (creating, editing and re-assigning data providers)
  • Creating and editing Management Group/Schemes
  • Log management (finding, viewing and re-opening logs and resolving queries)
  • View performance reports (individual and organisation)
  • Benchmarking CORE data at local authority area level
  • Analyse and view data at national level
  • View, download and analyse your own data using Excel

We run this workshop frequently, and dates are normally advertised directly by MHCLG. For details of forthcoming dates please contact us.

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Acuity and DTP Masterclass in Collaboration, Partnerships and Mergers

Masterclasses in London  exploring how HAs can work together in collaboration, partnerships and mergers.

Dates: Wednesday 8th June London

Collaboration, partnerships and mergers are becoming increasingly the watchwords of the sector. With a Government focused on shrinking the sector and squeezing every last drop of value from housing associations, the need to demonstrate and indeed achieve greater cost efficiencies is paramount. For smaller providers, this is not only to accommodate the impact of Government policies such as the 1% rent reduction and introduction of Right to Buy, but also to demonstrate to a range of stakeholders that smaller associations can be viable, effective and achieve their purpose at the same time as contributing to new supply, provision of specialist support and meeting community needs.

There are many ways in which HAs can work together, and this masterclass explores a wide range, looks at the pros and cons of each, and examines the cultures and processes needed to attain success.

The masterclass will be led by David Tolson, founder and Managing Director of DTP (more information on David below)


To provide delegates with an understanding of the importance of collaborative working, and of the various options and vehicles for achieving this:

  • why working together is more important than ever
  • how you can work together successfully
    • the options and alternatives
    • overcoming obstacles
  • what has worked elsewhere?
  • challenge personal thinking through debate and hearing from others
  • opportunity to network with others


This is an informal half-day masterclass starting with lunch and registration at 1pm for a 1:45pm start and 4:45 pm finish.

Note that this masterclass follows the morning Governance masterclass after a lunch break.

Who should attend

Board members, Chief Executives, other senior staff.


  • SPBM members £130 plus VAT (before 30 April)
  • SPBM members £140 plus VAT (after 30 April)
  • non-Acuity/DTP customers £175 plus VAT
  • additional places – £15 discount
  • attend both morning and afternoon sessions – additional £30 discount overall
Click here to book

About David Tolson and DTPDavid Tolson

David started DTP in 2006. He was previously the Managing Director – Housing, Local Government and Regeneration for the Tribal Group Plc, where he led a team of 150 consultants’s and associates. Prior to that, David was the Group Director (Finance) for what is now the Places for People Group, one of the largest housing groups in the UK. He was also a board member of Barnardo’s for six years, where he chaired their audit and risk committee.

David has extensive consultancy experience and specialises in governance, strategy development, financial management, organisational reviews, group structures and mergers, business planning and social enterprise.


David Tolson Partnership



Established in 2006, DTP is an independent consultancy providing high quality advice and support to more than 100 affordable housing providers, charities and commercial organisations across the UK.  Our mission is to help businesses improve and deliver better services to their customers – by offering a different perspective.  Please click here for more information about DTP .

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Acuity and DTP masterclass in Governance

Masterclasses in London and Manchester on achieving good governance in times of major sector change.

Dates Wednesday 8th June (London) 

Housing association boards have had much to contend with in recent years. And there’s little sign of things getting quieter for them in the years ahead.

A major overhaul of the regulatory system governing housing associations is having a big impact on boards, and in ways which were perhaps not predicted.

DTP work with lots of associations (including many smaller ones) to improve the way their boards operate and perform – and to enhance the contribution they can make to organisational performance.

Get it right and your board really can make a difference – providing independent and objective oversight on your strategy. They can be the critical friend you need when times get tough. Get it wrong and your board can act as drag on performance and effectiveness.


To provide delegates with the tools, tips and information to achieve good governance in times of major sector change:

  • overview of the governance framework
  • challenges for smaller HAs
  • top ten tips for improving your Board – where to focus, what questions to ask yourself
  • challenge personal thinking through debate and hearing from others
  • opportunity to network with people in a similar position


This is an informal half-day masterclass with lunch. Registration and refreshments at 9:30 am for a 10 am start. Lunch at 1 pm.

Note that the Collaboration, Partnerships and Mergers masterclass follows this session after the lunch break.

This masterclass will be led by DTP Director Angela Lomax (more information below).

Who should attend

Board members, Chief Executives, Company Secretaries, other senior staff.


  • SPBM members £130 plus VAT (before 30 April)
  • SPBM members £140 plus VAT (after 30 April)
  • non-Acuity/DTP customers £175 plus VAT
  • additional places – £15 discount
  • attend both morning and afternoon sessions – additional £30 discount overall
Click here to book

angela 1About Angela and DTP

Angela has more than 22 years’ experience in housing within the public and private sector, including three years in a regulatory role.

Angela’s work has addressed wide ranging issues affecting strategy and performance, including stock rationalisation and transfer, merger, governance and asset management.

Angela was a director in Savills Housing Consultancy and previously she was a Director with Tribal Group’s housing consultancy team.

Angela worked with the CIH to develop the resident-led self-regulation methodology and to publish research into low cost home ownership products. Angela also wrote the board members’ guide to asset management and maintenance with the NHF and contributed to HouseMark’s publication, “Social Hearts, Business Heads”.

David Tolson Partnership


Established in 2006, DTP is an independent consultancy providing high quality advice and support to more than 100 affordable housing providers, charities and commercial organisations across the UK.  Our mission is to help businesses improve and deliver better services to their customers – by offering a different perspective.  More information about DTP can be found at www.dtp.uk.com


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CORE Training – Intro/Refresher

DLUHC logo

This workshop is aimed at anyone  new to the collection of CORE data or in need of a refresher.

The CORE Introductory/Refresher workshop will cover:

  • Background to CORE
  • Best practice in the collection of CORE data
  • Terminology
  • The types of lettings that require completion of a CORE log
  • Step-by-step guide to completing the lettings log
  • Submission of CORE logs (an overview of the MHCLG online system)
  • Questions and answers

We run this workshop frequently, and dates are normally advertised directly by MHCLG. For details of forthcoming dates please contact us.



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Meeting the challenge: a conference for smaller housing associations, Weds 13 April 2016

Click to download the full programmeThe operating environment is changing beyond all recognition, representing the greatest challenge many will face in their entire careers. This event will explore the new horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

The programme

All the sessions aim to cut through seemingly bewildering changes so that you understand where you stand, how fellow smaller associations are responding and what you need to do:

  • the latest on housing policy from the NHF and regulation from HCA
  • interactive sessions that explore how smaller housing associations are:
    • reflecting the changes in revised business strategies, with a panel of CEOs and strategy, governance and finance specialist DTP
    • using different collaborative models to meet their objectives
  • the latest on welfare reform and what you need to do from CIH

Click here to download the full programme >>

Click here to buy tickets >>


  • John Bryant, Policy Lead, NHF
  • David Taylor-Smith, Assistant Director of Regulatory Operations, HCA
  • Sam McGrady, Director, DTP
  • Mandy Elliot, CE, Crosby HA and Chair of NHF National Smaller HAs Group
  • John Delahunty, CE, Innisfree HA
  • Graeme Foster, CE, Alpha Homes
  • John Ghader, CE, Pierhead Housing
  • Sue Philpott, Managing Director, Co-op Homes
  • Mike Wilkins, CE, Ducane HA
  • Sam Lister, Welfare Reform Lead, CIH

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £155 plus VAT (early bird purchase before 11 March)
  • SPBM members £170 plus VAT (after 11 March)
  • Non-members £210 plus VAT (or £195 early bird before 11 March)
  • Additional places £25 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 16:00, Wednesday 13 April

Venue: Judges Court, Browns, Covent Garden, London (Leicester Square tube)

Click here to download the full programme >>

Click here to buy tickets >>

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VFM Self-Assessment Workshops 2016

Workshops in London and Manchester to explore VFM and support delivery on VFM self-assessment.vfm_self_assessment

Dates:  Wednesday 4 May (Manchester) 2016
(Weds 27 April London NOW FULLY BOOKED)

The Value for Money (VFM) of housing associations is in the spotlight. The government is not convinced that the sector provides VFM and the HCA has made it clear that demonstrating VFM is now more important than ever, not simply to add value, but to mitigate the considerable challenges faced by the sector. Smaller or community-based associations also have to overcome the presumption that they are somehow less efficient.

The VFM self-assessment is the principle means by which any housing association demonstrates its VFM. Read by both government, special advisers and the HCA to make judgements about the sector and individual associations, the VFM self-assessment is something you need to get right.


To provide delegates with the tools and information to produce a robust VFM self-assessment:

  • clarity on the regulatory requirement in light of lessons from three years of self-assessment
  • understand how a changed political environment might influence the content and tone of the VFM self-assessment
  • where might VFM be going?
  • step through the process incorporating an Acuity template and data
  • challenge personal thinking through debate
  • opportunity to network with people in a similar position


This is an informal half-day workshop with lunch. Registration and refreshments at 9:30 am for a 10 am start. Lunch at 1 pm.

Steve Smedley created our original VFM self-assessment template for smaller housing providers and has been running VFM workshops and projects with SPBM members since 2013. He has also written a number of publications for HouseMark, NHF and CIH on this subject over the past 10 years

Who should attend

Those responsible for completing the VFM self-assessment, especially those who have not done it before, want to improve it or need a refresher.

Feedback from previous VFM workshops

  • Delegates gave an overall rating of more than 4.5 out of 5 for these workshops.
  • On average they gave a rating of 4.5 out of 5 for both the content and delivery of the workshops.


  • SPBM members £125 plus VAT (early bird purchase before 1 April)
  • SPBM members £135 plus VAT (after 1 April)
  • Non-members £175 plus VAT
  • additional places £15 discount
Click here to book
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Benchmarking / VFM meetings

repairs_spending_2014This year we will run a series of club meetings focussed on the annual benchmarking report and VFM with each club.

These meetings will take place in late June /early July 2016; after the benchmarking data is published but before members complete their VFM self-assessments.

We will circulate further details of these meetings to each club nearer the time.

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