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What to look forward to this Spring?

There’s no avoiding the issue of value for money this year, as the regulator’s consultation on the standard is coloured by the Government’s drive to make associations more efficient and increase housing supply. While we’re all waiting for the Homes and Communities Agency to release its consultation paper in late spring, it’s worth being aware of …..Read the full article »

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Surprising facts about online surveys (and how to make use of them)

Convenient and cost-effective: what’s not to like about using online surveys to find out how happy your residents are with your services? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Not only can the results be skewed in terms of the age profile, but our new analysis shows residents tend to report lower satisfaction rates when …..Read the full article »

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Christmas past, present and future: a seasonal analysis

Part 2: I’m dreaming of a White Paper: In Part 1 we covered the view from the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present. So looking ahead, what can we expect from the most feared of spectres: The Housing White Paper, decoupled from the Autumn Statement, but hopefully strengthening the fair winds for associations, is expected …..Read the full article »

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Christmas past, present and future: a seasonal analysis

Part 1: Another year over and a new one begun … nearly Through autumn the mood music mellowed to one that is more agreeable to the sector. The regime change afforded by the departure of the three kings of housing policy – Cameron, Osborne and special advisor Morton – ushers in the possibility of a …..Read the full article »

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Putting the finishing touches on your VFM self-assessment

The final countdown Many of you will be adding the last touches to your VFM self-assessments if you haven’t done so. Some will be looking to have a second bite of the cherry by complementing what goes in the financial statements with a more detailed VFM statement or additional information (eg updated benchmarking data) for …..Read the full article »

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Net Promoter Score® – satisfaction’s stiffer test

A question which has crept in to customer satisfaction surveys over the last few years is the Net Promoter Score (NPS). It still draws blank expressions, so here’s a quick canter through. The question is simple enough “How likely would you be to recommend [your social housing provider] to family or friends on a scale …..Read the full article »

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What the HCA expects from smaller associations

What’s it all about Ashby? As my children grow up I console myself that I have VFM to keep me young. There’s always something new to delight and fascinate. Especially now, when politically, the VFM of the sector is in question. Nobody should be surprised about the regulator beefing up VFM. So what just happened? …..Read the full article »

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Reimagining housing services, the role of satisfaction data and how Acuity helped SVHS

The reimagining of housing services is set to be the new hot topic for 2016 because it is a tangible expression of what people think social housing is for. It invokes, in its wake, deeply held convictions about how a civilised and fair society should work and therefore what motivated many of us to come …..Read the full article »

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SPBM unit cost measures – frequently asked questions

Why have these new unit cost measures been introduced? The need for more robust cost measures has been raised by SPBM members at at least three clubs. This is because members want to get a firmer grip on their cost base to facilitate decision-making and respond to regulatory and political pressure to demonstrate VFM. The …..Read the full article »

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Benchmarking costs

We are introducing four new cost-per-property indicators with detailed definitions provided by our colleagues at HouseMark. These indicators are in line with HouseMark core definitions and enable wider sector benchmarking, as well as benchmarking with other Acuity members. However, the key to successful benchmarking of these measures is allocating your costs in a consistent way. …..Read the full article »

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