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Acuity Webinars

Building safety: what you need to know & how should you respond

Are you clear about the implications of the Building Safety & Fire Safety Bills and Chapter 1 of the Social Housing White Paper (‘To be safe in your home’) for smaller housing associations? What should you be thinking about and what should you be doing? Whether you’re sense-checking your current approach or wanting to get …..Read the full article »

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Regulatory consumer metrics: what it might look like

Curious about what a focus on consumer regulation backed by consumer metrics might look like? Look no further than Scotland. With the introduction of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, the Scottish Housing Regulator was given the statutory duty of protecting the rights and interests of tenants, homeless people and applicants. Kirsty explains how, since then, …..Read the full article »

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Acuity Webinars

Housing software: learning from Covid, from strategy to implementation

Covid has changed a lot of things, not least the role of IT in service provision and how quickly new approaches can be implemented. There is also the question as to how technology might assist us with strategic challenges such as the Social Housing White Paper and the Fire Safety Bill. Colin Sales reflects on …..Read the full article »

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Refining your approach to Complaints? This Acuity research will help.

The way social landlords deal with complaints is in the spotlight. The Housing Ombudsman – now with added powers – has set out its expectations in a Complaint Handling Code and expects robust policies and practice to be in place by 31 March. The Social Housing White Paper similarly pulls no punches with an entire …..Read the full article »

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Struggling to improve customer satisfaction? This Acuity research will help

As the sector prepares for active consumer regulation, what can we learn from recent tenant feedback about good and bad customer service? Denise Raine lifts the lid on the new ‘easy to deal with’ STAR satisfaction question. What we did We looked at the results of 20 surveys that included feedback from 10,000 tenants conducted …..Read the full article »

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NHF Code of Governance 2020: a road map

Acuity associate Nitin Parmar steers us through the implications of the new NHF code to help executive teams and board members decide a way forward. This webinar considers what’s changed, how it reflects the recent Social Housing White Paper and post-Grenfell operating environment, pros and cons of adoption and the alternatives. This webinar aims to …..Read the full article »

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White Paper: Rebalancing regulation, consumer regulation is back

As a set of principles, aims and ideas, the Social Housing White Paper: The Charter for Social Housing Residents is, potentially, a game-changer. If it all goes ahead, the required changes will take years of effort, rather than months, by the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH), social landlords and residents. It’s a call to action …..Read the full article »

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White Paper: resident satisfaction and consumer metrics

As an organisation that specialises in resident satisfaction surveys and benchmarking data, we naturally have an interest in the White Paper’s proposed dashboard of consumer metrics. It’s also important that we give our customers the best possible advice as they consider the White Paper’s implications. Like you, we are considering what action we need to …..Read the full article »

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Acuity Webinars

CIH Housing Policy Overview

James Prestwich, Director of Policy and External Affairs at the Chartered Institute of Housing, discusses how a scrapped autumn budget and paused spending review leaves housing policy and investment and the levelling up agenda; implications of planning reforms; the long-awaited White Paper and revamp of consumer regulation; a soon to be finalised Building Safety Bill …..Read the full article »

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Acuity Webinars

The Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code

Emma Foxall, Deputy Ombudsman at the Housing Ombudsman Service discusses the new complaint handling code. The new code overhauls the housing complaints system from how landlords manage complaints to the powers the Ombudsman has to take action on behalf of tenants. Emma covers the implications for the sector, the self-assessment requirement and what happens next. …..Read the full article »

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