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Housing satisfaction: are we learning to listen and listening to learn?

Simon Williams reflects on customer satisfaction and resident feedback. Why do we collect it, and how has it developed? The broad concept of ‘listening’ to better understand how people live, what they want and what they need has been around since before World War II with the introduction of the anthropological study Mass Observation. Since …..Read the full article »

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Focus on resident satisfaction

There are many ways to monitor what your customers think about your services, and focus groups can be a really important part of the mix, giving you an unrivalled source of detail and helping to inform your questioning. There’s a place for focus groups in every organisation’s strategic plan for monitoring customer satisfaction. How can …..Read the full article »

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Reach out to your residents – and reap the benefits

Whether you want to track overall satisfaction, or how well your repair team are doing, there are many benefits to organising telephone surveys – which makes them fantastically cost-effective. Not only does it streamline getting the sample you need, but done properly, it can improve customer service and even support customer recovery. You’re effectively getting …..Read the full article »

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Tenants: what matters most to them?

Finding out what tenants think is increasingly important to housing associations, both because it’s good customer service and as part of the new regulatory framework. But how do we know we’re asking tenants the right questions? Do housing associations and tenants share the same priorities about what’s important? United Welsh, a housing association managing almost …..Read the full article »

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Customer satisfaction: not rocket science, but rocket fuel

Do your internal process measures tell you how good your service is for your customers? More importantly, do your measures of customer-perceived quality confirm it? Service quality is a subjective concept, and there are distinct differences between ‘internal process quality’ (the type of quality measures managers measure) and the ‘true’ quality obtained from the customer. …..Read the full article »

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There’s a customer experience revolution going on – but are our own customers being left behind?

Technology is at the heart of how many organisations engage with their clients on a day to day basis. According to The Path to 2020, a worldwide marketing research report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, it is believed that by 2020 customer experience will drive brands more than ever, leading to loyalty and a rising …..Read the full article »

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Customer Journey Mapping: helping you find the path to customer centricity?

What is a customer-centric organisation? How – and why – should you become one? And how difficult is the process? The idea has been around for more than 50 years, and Google offers more than a million results if you’re searching for a definition (which varies, but “Creating a positive consumer experience at the point …..Read the full article »

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GDPR challenges for landlords

Will GDPR stop you doing customer satisfaction surveys?

It’s now just weeks until the rules on data protection change dramatically. Alarming headlines about the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes are worrying for landlords. Can you still share data to enable third-party research organisations – like Acuity – to undertake surveys? Clearly, this is an issue we take very seriously, …..Read the full article »

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Silhouette Global Business People Meeting Concept

Do managers know what customers think – or do they just think they do?

One of my favourite reads last year was Tomas Hult’s Do managers know what their customers think and why? in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The beauty of the article was its simplicity, revealing how perceptions can vary between providers and recipients of services. Or in other words, the managers and the …..Read the full article »

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Four common misconceptions about resident surveys

One of the best bits of my job is getting out to visit housing associations (especially when it’s sunny and the traffic is flowing). It’s always great to meet people doing their best for residents, get a better idea of how each association works, and to talk about the pros and cons of different approaches …..Read the full article »

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