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SPBM Annual Report 2013

Annual report for smaller housing providers 2013

We launched our third annual report for smaller housing providers at the NHF Conference & Exhibition for Smaller HAs on 6 November. Published jointly with HouseMark, the report provides evidence that smaller housing providers continue to match and better their larger counterparts in many areas of performance. In his preface, David Orr praises smaller providers’ …..Read the full article »

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SPBM cost benchmarking exercises 2013

This year we are running the following comparison exercises for SPBM benchmarking members. Please see below for details and contact Acuity if you would like to participate in any of these. Staff Numbers We have had various discussions in and outside of benchmarking club meetings about how to compare staffing levels and we have agreed …..Read the full article »

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Salary Comparison for Smaller Housing Associations 2013

Salary comparison 2013 Once again this year we are running our comparison of salaries, terms and conditions for smaller housing providers. Everyone who submits data will receive a report with a comparison and  analysis of the terms and conditions offered by different providers  that will help them and their Boards judge how the pay and …..Read the full article »

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Housing Salaries Comparison 2011

Once again this year we are running our Salary Comparison service for smaller housing providers. We have improved the questionnaire for 2011 to provide more comparative analysis of the terms and conditions offered by different providers. Everyone who submits data will receive a regional and national report that will help them and their Boards judge …..Read the full article »

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Housing Salaries

In view of Grant Shapps’ recent undertaking to ‘Shine a Light’ on salaries paid to housing association staff along with the public sector, we thought it might be useful to highlight some of the findings from our 2010 salary comparison of 30 smaller providers — housing associations managing up to 1,000 homes. The median Chief …..Read the full article »

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Salary Comparison 2010

We have recently revamped our web-based salaries comparison service, which provides smaller associations with meaningful comparisons between the salaries and other rewards they offer their staff and those offered by similar organisations facing similar challenges. In developing the service we realised that, for smaller organisations, job title alone is not necessarily a good indication of …..Read the full article »

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