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Reimagining housing services, the role of satisfaction data and how Acuity helped SVHS

The reimagining of housing services is set to be the new hot topic for 2016 because it is a tangible expression of what people think social housing is for. It invokes, in its wake, deeply held convictions about how a civilised and fair society should work and therefore what motivated many of us to come …..Read the full article »

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Satisfaction survey

Dissatisfied residents – digging deeper

STAR survey revealed lower levels of satisfaction for younger residents Over the summer we worked with a high performing Trust to explore the results from a recent STAR survey which revealed that residents under 35 years old are less satisfied than older tenants. It’s a familiar pattern found at most landlords. With overall satisfaction with …..Read the full article »

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28983-Skills Annual Rep.indd

Carried out a STAR survey – what next?

After carrying out a survey most clients will read through the survey report, examine the data tables and share the results. Following on from this the next natural stage is to convene a meeting to discuss the findings, however we often find many clients need a steer as what to do to fully utilise the …..Read the full article »

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Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation uses data from satisfaction surveys and elsewhere to drive service improvement and increase satisfaction. It works  by  segmenting your resident population into relatively homogeneous groups that can be measured, analysed, and targeted. It is a simple idea, backed up by rather less-simple statistical analysis, which can be highly effective. It begins with a consideration …..Read the full article »

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Why conduct satisfaction research?

Engagement with customers is an integral part of business. It gives your residents an opportunity to shape service delivery. Understanding the needs of tenants will help you deliver the right services. Delivering and demonstrating value for money is key and will become even more important in the future. There is more to this than just …..Read the full article »

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Does your site look big in this?

Internet access and smartphones Without internet access tenants are excluded from a whole range of services, benefits, employment, savings etc.  Smartphone use is on the increase, and for young people (aged 12 – 17)  it is increasingly the primary means  to access the internet. Attitudes to digital media channels among social housing providers vary widely. …..Read the full article »

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Satisfaction survey

Getting the most from satisfaction – business performance and VFM

Acuity Director Denise Raine shares her top ten list of what to consider when planning a resident satisfaction survey: What are the aims of your survey Why are you carrying out this survey – what are you trying to achieve?  Unless you have clear aims and objectives you will not know if you are collecting meaningful …..Read the full article »

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Annual Reports and VFM

There is no specific requirement to tell your residents how much you spent on their first annual report but the more we thought about it the more we felt it to be an absolute must. So how much did it cost? Perhaps more importantly, did you tell your residents how much it cost? Was it …..Read the full article »

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Breaking the bad news

We recently had the rather dubious pleasure of breaking the news to a group of residents that their landlord had put a serious question mark over the future of their sheltered housing scheme. The meeting ended with residents visibly shocked and one or two in tears. Involvement of local councillors, interest from the local press …..Read the full article »

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Brother Where Art Thou?

A recent discussion about the TSA’s annual reporting requirements reminded us of an account of working in the War Office during the 1950s. Beautifully prepared records of resources held and consumed would arrive from all over the globe. Not without a little ceremony each unread document would be carefully placed in the steel cabinet. When …..Read the full article »

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