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Zen and the art of VFM

Zen and the art of VFM regulation

The sector is smarting from its dust-up with the HCA following the submission of lacklustre VFM self-assessments in 2013. The regulator has made it clear that if VFM is not taken seriously this year, there is likely to be more unpleasantness in the shape of further governance downgrades, and in its wake deepening sectoral reputational …..Read the full article »

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NHF Smaller Associations National Group Survey – Summary of findings

Here is a summary of the findings from the survey we ran in November for the NHF smaller associations national group. To download a copy of the full report please click here. General 91 organisations contributed Very fragmented approach to influencing NHF and therefore potential to be more co-ordinated Majority support for areas of focus identified …..Read the full article »

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SPBM Annual Report 2013

Annual report for smaller housing providers 2013

We launched our third annual report for smaller housing providers at the NHF Conference & Exhibition for Smaller HAs on 6 November. Published jointly with HouseMark, the report provides evidence that smaller housing providers continue to match and better their larger counterparts in many areas of performance. In his preface, David Orr praises smaller providers’ …..Read the full article »

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Annual Reports and VFM

There is no specific requirement to tell your residents how much you spent on their first annual report but the more we thought about it the more we felt it to be an absolute must. So how much did it cost? Perhaps more importantly, did you tell your residents how much it cost? Was it …..Read the full article »

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