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Using satisfaction data to drive a better customer experience

In the commercial sector, good customer experience (CX) is critical to success. In fact, Gartner research from 2018 found that over 80% of commercial organisations expect to compete mainly based on customer experience in 2019. Nearly three-quarters of organisations in their multi-country survey now have a dedicated CX team, of which more than a quarter …..Read the full article »

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You’re never too small for a survey

Finding out what your residents think is now a way of life in the social housing sector. But some smaller providers have concerns around cost, confidentiality and benefit. We’ve recently been working with some of the smallest landlords in the industry, with under 100 homes – and we’ve all been blown away by the results. …..Read the full article »

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Get more out of your surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys are important, but you don’t have to do the same old thing every time. I’ve been working with landlords who are supplementing the core questions with some really interesting enquiries – and the results are even more interesting. For instance, what about your residents’ aspirations? In the past everyone has probably asked …..Read the full article »

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Housing satisfaction: are we learning to listen and listening to learn?

Simon Williams reflects on customer satisfaction and resident feedback. Why do we collect it, and how has it developed? The broad concept of ‘listening’ to better understand how people live, what they want and what they need has been around since before World War II with the introduction of the anthropological study Mass Observation. Since …..Read the full article »

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Focus on resident satisfaction

There are many ways to monitor what your customers think about your services, and focus groups can be a really important part of the mix, giving you an unrivalled source of detail and helping to inform your questioning. There’s a place for focus groups in every organisation’s strategic plan for monitoring customer satisfaction. How can …..Read the full article »

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Reach out to your residents – and reap the benefits

Whether you want to track overall satisfaction, or how well your repair team are doing, there are many benefits to organising telephone surveys – which makes them fantastically cost-effective. Not only does it streamline getting the sample you need, but done properly, it can improve customer service and even support customer recovery. You’re effectively getting …..Read the full article »

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Tenants: what matters most to them?

Finding out what tenants think is increasingly important to housing associations, both because it’s good customer service and as part of the new regulatory framework. But how do we know we’re asking tenants the right questions? Do housing associations and tenants share the same priorities about what’s important? United Welsh, a housing association managing almost …..Read the full article »

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SPBM Benchmarking 2018 – 2019 Calendar

Please note the following dates and deadlines for submitting SPBM benchmarking data. : Q2 (April – September 2018 data)  Period end 30 September Data entry deadline Friday 16 November 2018 Q4 (April 2018 – March 2019 data)  Period end 31 March 2019 Data entry deadline Friday 17 May 2019 Sector Scorecard  The Sector Scorecard data …..Read the full article »

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Digital transformation: easier and cheaper than you think

There are many advantages to being small. You have more legroom on a plane; you tend to bump your head less often; limbo is easier and you can get a job as a jockey. When applied to a business, you’re more likely to know the names of all your team (and probably their partners), you’re …..Read the full article »

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GDPR and CORE Data: what housing providers need to know?

Now that the dust has settled on the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations, many of us are thinking more about how the new rules will work in practice. For those of us in social housing, one of the obvious question marks comes over the sharing of CORE (COntinuous REcording) data with the Ministry …..Read the full article »

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