About Tim Taylor

Author Archive | Tim Taylor

Board members needed

We are working with CHISEL – a tenant / Board led smaller housing provider in SE London, Brighton and Colchester. CHISEL is looking to recruit new Board members. You will need to be able to commit to six evening meetings and two planning days each year at or near their offices in SE4 and have experience in:  …..Read the full article »

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SPBM Annual Report 2013

Annual report for smaller housing providers 2013

We launched our third annual report for smaller housing providers at the NHF Conference & Exhibition for Smaller HAs on 6 November. Published jointly with HouseMark, the report provides evidence that smaller housing providers continue to match and better their larger counterparts in many areas of performance. In his preface, David Orr praises smaller providers’ …..Read the full article »

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Presentation & Time Management Skills – Introducing Steve Creffield

We are delighted to welcome Steve Creffield to our learning and development team and as facilitator of our ‘Presentation skills‘ and ‘Time management‘ workshops. Steve is a leading professional  in the field of empowerment and team development. His work has taken him to over 14 countries to work with agencies such as The United Nations, World …..Read the full article »

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Annual Reports and VFM

There is no specific requirement to tell your residents how much you spent on their first annual report but the more we thought about it the more we felt it to be an absolute must. So how much did it cost? Perhaps more importantly, did you tell your residents how much it cost? Was it …..Read the full article »

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Breaking the bad news

We recently had the rather dubious pleasure of breaking the news to a group of residents that their landlord had put a serious question mark over the future of their sheltered housing scheme. The meeting ended with residents visibly shocked and one or two in tears. Involvement of local councillors, interest from the local press …..Read the full article »

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Award winning leadership and management development

We are pleased to report that the University of Westminster’s Corporate Services Management Programme has received its second award. It is runner-up in the Talent Retention category of the Chartered Management Institute’s prestigious national management and leadership awards. Last year the programme won the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education’s Staff Development Impact award. We have …..Read the full article »

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Brother Where Art Thou?

A recent discussion about the TSA’s annual reporting requirements reminded us of an account of working in the War Office during the 1950s. Beautifully prepared records of resources held and consumed would arrive from all over the globe. Not without a little ceremony each unread document would be carefully placed in the steel cabinet. When …..Read the full article »

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Satisfaction – Where’s the Action?

In an ideal world, organisations would approach customer satisfaction measurement by establishing what is important to their customers before they decide what they are going to ask. They would use surveys to identify what is driving satisfaction, what satisfaction means to different groups of customers and what they can and cannot do to influence satisfaction …..Read the full article »

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Residents’ Conferences – Purposeful Fun

A residents’ conference can be a great way to engage with your residents in interesting and innovative ways, helping put faces to names and improve communications. We think conferences can also provide an excellent opportunity for residents to express their views on services and their relationship with their landlord. If they are well designed they …..Read the full article »

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