About Mark Anderson

Author Archive | Mark Anderson

Smaller Providers Go Big on Performance

Smaller housing providers now have the opportunity to be part of what is fast becoming a national performance benchmarking network for smaller housing providers. Things have really moved on since our last newsletter (November 2009) in which we reported on our work with two benchmarking groups for smaller housing associations. More than 30 other organisations …..Read the full article »

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Benchmarking for smaller housing associations – PI Harmonisation

Benchmarking and peer review is a key part of the Tenant Services Authority’s model of co-regulation and that makes it a good time for all of those involved in performance comparisons to be reviewing their performance indicators. We have initiated a project with our benchmarking groups and other small associations to agree a core set …..Read the full article »

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Mystery Shopping – Tower Hamlets PCT

Mystery shopping is increasingly used by housing associations, local authorities, and other non-profit organisations to provide feedback on customer services. As well as being a cost-effective way of gaining insight into staff and organisational performance, it can also be a meaningful and valuable way to get service users involved. We have been supporting Tower Hamlets …..Read the full article »

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Benchmarking – Salary Comparison

With members of the bm320 benchmarking group, we have developed a salary comparison service that provides meaningful comparison  between the salaries and other staff rewards with those offered by similar organisations facing similar challenges. We were aware of the diversity of job roles within the sector and pinning down roles in small organisations proved to …..Read the full article »

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Engaging with residents online as the digital divide closes

Within three years we believe that using email and the internet to engage with residents will be as inclusive as the current use of printed newsletters and surveys. Shifting to using electronic methods of communication with residents will provide opportunities for innovative and interesting engagement, and will be significantly cheaper and more effective, thus enabling …..Read the full article »

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The First Post

This blog is a forum for exchanging ideas and sharing information.

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