About Denise Raine

Denise Raine is a Director of Acuity Ltd, and has specialised in tenant satisfaction and feedback research for more than 20 years.

Author Archive | Denise Raine

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Rough Guide to the TSMs Part Two: the Finalised Metrics and Associated Requirements

In Part Two of our Rough Guide to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), Denise Raine & Steve Smedley  take a closer look at the mandatory survey requirements that underpin the 12 TSMs that are derived from a perception survey (as set out in Annex 5 of the RSH documentation). In Part One, we explored the …..Read the full article »

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The Impact of the Pandemic and Social Housing White Paper on Satisfaction Surveys

As the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) consultation gets into full swing, I have taken the opportunity to address the top three issues that social landlords currently ask me about: What is the latest on the Tenant Satisfaction Metrics (TSMs)? What has happened to satisfaction ratings since we first locked down? How have landlords changed …..Read the full article »

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The new consumer regulation framework – current timeline

Like Rome, proactive consumer regulation won’t be built in a day, or even a year or two. Consumer metrics – latest state of play Although the RSH is unable to proceed formally on revamping the regulatory framework ahead of primary legislation being enacted (see below), it’s busy getting its ducks in a row. Extensive ‘soft’ …..Read the full article »

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Refining your approach to Complaints? This Acuity research will help.

The way social landlords deal with complaints is in the spotlight. The Housing Ombudsman – now with added powers – has set out its expectations in a Complaint Handling Code and expects robust policies and practice to be in place by 31 March. The Social Housing White Paper similarly pulls no punches with an entire …..Read the full article »

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Struggling to improve customer satisfaction? This Acuity research will help

As the sector prepares for active consumer regulation, what can we learn from recent tenant feedback about good and bad customer service? Denise Raine lifts the lid on the new ‘easy to deal with’ STAR satisfaction question. What we did We looked at the results of 20 surveys that included feedback from 10,000 tenants conducted …..Read the full article »

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White Paper: resident satisfaction and consumer metrics

As an organisation that specialises in resident satisfaction surveys and benchmarking data, we naturally have an interest in the White Paper’s proposed dashboard of consumer metrics. It’s also important that we give our customers the best possible advice as they consider the White Paper’s implications. Like you, we are considering what action we need to …..Read the full article »

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Getting repairs right is more important than ever

Getting your responsive repairs service right has always been important for landlords and tenants. It has a direct bearing on the overall perception of landlords and is likely to feature prominently in the government White Paper and associated changes to consumer regulation. Repairs services also cost a lot of money, especially if they are not …..Read the full article »

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Coronavirus: early indications suggest social landlords made a difference to their residents, and it was appreciated

The impact of Coronavirus has been profound and depressing. The efforts of front-line workers and the kindness of strangers have been vital to our collective well-being. It’s good to know that the social housing sector has played its part, living up to its social purpose and making a difference to those who live in its …..Read the full article »

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First look at HouseMark STAR – best practice in customer satisfaction

Finally, it’s been released and we can all start to think about how to use it. HouseMark STAR, developed with input from 300 landlords and more than 13,000 residents (and me!) is available online and so is the guidance on how to use it. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of an 11-organisation steering …..Read the full article »

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What do tenants want? Capturing The Customer Voice II

Following the release of our extensive research into how landlords capture the customer voice, we are now pleased to share the findings from HouseMark’s online resident survey, completed by close to 8,000 people. This is one of the largest resident consultation activities carried out in recent years, with respondents from a range of landlord types …..Read the full article »

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