Feedback – Acuity Conference 2024

We would very much like to hear any comments/feedback – please use the form below to let us know how you thought the event went. The link to download the slides and presentations from the day is at the bottom of this page.

Feedback - Acuity Conference 2024

  • Overall Rating

  • The programme

  • Please rate how useful you found each of the conference sessions from 5 very useful to 1 not very useful
    Social Housing Regulation Act - Rachael Williamson, Head of Policy and External Affairs, CIH - covering professionalising the sector, political landscape and what this means for the housing agenda, 2025 Future Homes Standards and more
    Consumer Standards - Caroline Leviss, Senior Associate and Hugo Stephens, Consultant, Penningtons Manches Cooper - will discuss the new Consumer Standards and their implications for the sector
    Complaints - Verity Richards, Head of Services, Housing Ombudsman - how complaints insight is being used to support landlords to deliver effective complaints handling services in light of the new Complaints Handling code
    Small Housing Development Grant - Anne Taylor CEO Thorngate Churcher Trust, Carolyn Sims, Relationship Director Charity Bank and Andrew Markham, Development Consultant, Don’t give up – How one small housing provider proved it is possible to pursue ambitious aspirations despite the economic headwinds
    TSM Satisfaction surveys: ensuring a compliant approach for smaller associations – Denise Raine, Director, Acuity
    IT: Valuable guidance on how to adapt and thrive in the digital age, cyber security and tips on data management
  • Venue and administration

  • Value For Money

  • Recommendation